Saturday, May 27, 2006

Catching up

Wow, April was a crazy month... actually most of May so far has been too. I was working on a bridge down in Pasco for most of April, but I'm happy to say we've finished that project. It was crazy, I think I spent maybe 3 weeknights at home that whole month. The second week of May was nice, I got to spend the whole week at home... shocking I know. Of course, the following week I was in Fort Worth, and this week I was at a Committee meeting in Austin. The committee meeting was something I really wanted to go to, and since it was at least in the same state as Ft. Worth I just stayed over the weekend. I have to say it was kind of nice, I went to church and caught up with an old high school classmate. Him and I had not really been friends, aquaintences, but not friends. Now, though we've both grown up a lot and I found out we have quite a bit in common, though I think he's a lot smarter... he's doing lab work on DNA before he goes to med school, he tried explaining some of it to me and I have to be honest and say I was completely lost. Anyway, his wife actually grew up in the town I currently live in so she and I had a chance to talk about some mutually known places.

Austin this last week was nice... but I think I've already wrote about that...

This weekend should be interesting, unfortuantly I do not get Memorial day off, we have a bridge to pull out (putting culverts under it) and the only time the transportation department would give us the 10 hr window needed was Monday. Though I heard the company management is talking about allowing officers (myself included) equivalent time off if we are requried to work a holiday. That would be nice, especially if I'm allowed to pick it, I can chose some weekend both DH and I have off allowing us the opertunity to go camping or at least for a weekend getaway.


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